Friday, June 29, 2007

Muscle Gaining Fundamentals

The first step to take when building muscle effectively is to acquire an understanding of the fundamental biology behind it, specifically the body’s actions and reactions to those actions that encompass muscle growth.


The principle of muscle growth is that the body releases a growth hormone when muscles are placed under tension for a specific amount of time. Micro tears are created in the muscle fibres when the body lifts heavy weights. The body then starts to repair these tears, but it builds extra muscle fibres as well increasing muscle size and ensuring it is prepared for the strain of lifting again.

Once the fundamentals are known, the second step to take is to put them into practise.


When applying this theory to practise, there are two variables that are altered to achieve the specific amount of muscle tension. They are the amount of sets and the amount of reps per set. By varying the values of these two variables whilst maintaining the same muscle tension, different parts of the body’s muscles are affected.

A high amount of reps per set and a low amount of sets, for example 12-15 reps per 2-3 sets increases the strength of the fibres that connect the muscle to the bone.

A low amount of reps per set and a high amount of sets, for example 5-7 reps per 4-5 sets increases the density of the muscle fibres themselves.

An effective muscle building workout routine will include a mixture of both ratios of lifting. An example of using this to formulate a workout plan would be to look at a four week period.
  • Week 1: 2-3 x 12-15 sets
  • Week 2: 3-4 x 5-7 sets
  • Week 3: 4-5 x 4-6 sets
  • Week 4: 2-3 x 12-15 sets
Throughout this routine, the body should intake plenty of protein-rich foods such as chicken, fish and eggs, and plenty of complex carbohydrates such as oats and cereals.

This workout routine constitutes a month of effective muscle building creating a bigger you that looks and feels great!

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